Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Taking it on the nose from trustee candidate McLellan

An email to me from the candidate:

I thought you might be interested in knowing that after multiple emails, and providing information prior to being asked, after linking your democracy site the same day you contacted me to my site [], and after being asked by you to be patient because my information would be posted soon.... your organization NEVER did post my information to your site.  Maybe you should consider an apology / regrets section in your site? Fair to all does not mean selectivity based upon what the writer / editor / web master feels is important at any given time. I believe you should NOT have posted any content until you were confident that all content, from all parties had been received. Their contact info and platforms for the most part were publicly available. Otherwise you editorialize. It
IS a responsibility when you give yourself a name like "On Line Democracy" . The concept of free speech, the 5th estate... and all that other democratic ideology is based upon what I have just said. Mistakes happen but I was the one who was proactive and patient who has now been punished for my belief in fairness. No one even got back to me.  For your site to be considered a source of information you must be accurate and all inclusive. The lesson to students here is that when you advocate that you are a resource for democracy it is all about equality and fairness. Don't take it on unless you are prepared to follow through.

I will maintain my link to your site in the hope you are able to resolve this situation...and for anyone else as well... maybe it's time to get on he phones!.

And since I am reasonable and have a sense of humour [even though I feel I got screwed around]... having said the above provides proof that I should be the choice of informed voters for the position of KRPDSB English Public School Board Trustee. Visit my website and review my platform at <> . If you live in my constituency vote Al McLellan.

I finish with a quote from Ray A. Kroc... [cuz" we all love burgers don't we]... sorry... gotta eat and run.... talk later...

"Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence."


Blogger Robert Washburn said...


This type of comment is why people are not engaged in public discourse. This is NOT a whine. It is a point of view. This is an interpretation. This is fair criticism. This is a contribution. This is a person making a perspective known. This is....DEMOCRACY!

I only wish more people would do this.

7:28 AM  

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