Valley Voice's candidates survey results
A survey done by residents in Shelter Valley, who are fighting a gravel pit, released the results of a candidates survey yesterday. Valley Voices is a dedicated group of people who have worked tirelessly to stop the pit.
Here are the results:
VV surveyed the candidates for the November 13 election to determine their position on matters of interest to us.
Here are verbatim copies of their responses. Illegible words are indicated by (?). [1] [5] indicate the importance to the candidates. The higher the number, the more important the issue.
Councillor Benns did not reply. Councillor Broegelman did not provide written responses. He wanted to “check with his lawyer.”.
In analyzing their responses we were looking at the candidates to see if
a) they didn’t answer the question,
b) they gave a stock answer,
c) they agreed with no explanation,
d) they were open and candid,
e) they were thoughtful,
e) their past actions are consistent with their promises and vision for the next 4 years.
A-1. There should be a scheduled, frequent newsletter / e-mail from Council to Township residents. For example, major decisions, events, and issues could be included.
We were looking for awareness of the need for a variety of forms of communication; technical knowledge; availability of high speed internet service throughout A/H; how they would seek feedback from the electorate; how they would gauge the effectiveness of their communications; the importance of keeping the website updated, coherent, easy to use, intelligible; frequency and immediacy of communications.
Finley: "[5] Webb site needs to include council and committee minutes, community events and major County or Provincial programs"
Robins: "[4] I agree people should be informed about events & major decisions in Twp but alot of info is being put on our new internet programme so probably newsletters are not required as much as they were 5 to 10 yrs ago"
McDonald: " [5] I believe a combination of the two (e-mail & newsletter) would benefit our Township greatly. Our weekly/monthly messeage to the residents should reach residents of all ages and allow each member of our communities to be aware of the current issues in A/H."
Jeninga: "[5] Twp has a website But not updated"
Ritchie: "I believe that we need a better information highway available to the members of our communities. The people in our township should have easy access to decisions, events, and issues concerning our township. There has to be several different venues set up, due to the different access that each and everyone of us have."
Fell: "[5] The community should always be informed of decisions made on their behalf & kept up to date on events & issues."
Holmes: "[4] I feel we already have acheived this within our web site"
A-2. There is a need for a significant increase in community / volunteer participation in the Township. For example, the e-mail / newsletter could be a volunteer activity.
We were looking for a recognition of the role of, and the importance of, volunteers from all walks of life and all ages; the role of co-op students; township financial support, and provision of working space; township promotion of, and evaluation of, a volunteer program; frequency of volunteer involvement; fostering social interaction and the sense of community; training of volunteers; presenting a sense of welcome -You Are Important!
Finley: "[3] I would prefer that our Webb site is used to convey information to our citizens A By-Yearly Newsletter working with volunteers would also be benefical."
Robins: "[4] people enjoy the social side of volunteerism and I am sure would help."
McDonald: "[5] Upon graduation in 2001, my daughter volunteered her time to organize and draft a distributed newsletter for the Township. As her career progressed she was no longer able to continue this role and new volunteers were needed to continue the newsletter. I feel very strongly about the need for volunteer participation among the A/H communities."
Jeninga: "[5]"
Ritchie: "There are alot of good volunteers in our community, but there is always a need for more. I am sure that there are people out there that would be glad to give of their time if they had direction and felt welcomed."
Fell: "[5] I am a strong advocate in community participation in all facets of community life."
Holmes: "[4] There is always a demand and need for volunteers."
A-3. Township initiatives, bylaws, and programs should enhance the quality of life of all the residents of A/H.
We were looking for a statement of the indication to the extent that concern for the quality of life should be a guiding principle for Council; that this concern is a Council’s responsibility; the need for open consultation, transparency, the cooperative sharing of information; recognition of, and respect for, the diverse interest groups of the Township; an explanation of what the greater good is and how it is determined; how progress is measured.
Finley: "[3] It would almost be impossible to improve the quality of life every time a decision is made but this concept should be considered every time we face major issues"
Robins: "[5] I agree but not all people are concerned or feel it is important to enhance their quality of life."
McDonald: " [5] Although enhancing the quality of life for all residents is ideal; it is fair to say that this is sometimes impossible. I strongly agree with the statement, however, it would be more realistic to say that: “...programs should enhance the quality of life of ‘the majority’ of the residents of A/H.” "
Jeninga: "[4/5] Sometimes quality can be affected temporaily e.g. Construction or building"
Ritchie: "Because of the large area of rural area in A/H Township, it would be impossible for all programs, bylaws, and initiatives to enhance the quality of life of all the residents of A/H. One would hope that each program, bylaw, or initiative would be individually accessed and be of benefit to a vast majority of A/H taxpayers, and residents."
Fell: "[5] We should all profit as a community from all programs enacted."
Holmes: "[3] All of the above do not neccesarily associeate themselves the quality of life. Any that do, should at least sustain, or enhance quality of life."
B-1. How do you see the Township in four years, and how do you plan to bring about your vision?
We were looking for a commitment; specifics within the vision, a vision tempered by the realistic restraints placed on the Township by global environmental factors and by different levels of Government; an indication of their awareness of the complexities of growth, and the inherent conflicts and contradictions; an indication of how they would involve the citizens in this vision; reference to their powers and limitations placed on them.
Finley: "We need to continue with and enhance programs in place. This includes infrastructure community facilities and programs for all of our citizens regardless of their age and interests."
Robins: "The Twp has & will continue to grow. the northern area will continue to support camps & recreation & we need to serve to help promote this form of recreation & business - the southern & central area. need to be evaluatated ie - need for new residents - ie Centreton (?) - future plans for (Arena this one (?) least 50-55 yrs old - upgrades to infrastructure and available gov grants accessabitey upgrades to present buldgs - possibly light industry as 401 corridor is so close"
McDonald: "The economy and the people of our communities dictate the direction, decisions made, and the future of A/H Township. My vision, or plan of action, is to maintain and withhold the integrity of our financial situation while addressing the growth and development that our taxpayers present to us each day. Realistically, I can neither create growth nor stop it. However, I can manage it and ensure the local commuity that the decisions made are educated ones."
Jeninga: "-maintain the good quality infrasture we have, not to put off projects to save money, it costs more to catch up than to bite the bullet! - I would like to see the start up of an Industrial Park to bring in more Industry for tax dollors (along 401 somewhere)"
Ritchie: "I would like to see more involvement in the democratic process in our Township. This is the second municipal election that I have been in this township and neither election has had a true race. However, I do hear alot of grumbling about how things are run. I hope that even if it's by adversity more people will take an interest in the running of our quietly forgotton municipality."
Fell: "I see a development of our community, in all aspects but especially tourism & residence (?) & will explore all oppurtunities to bring this to fruition."
Holmes: "I see continued growth (residential) in our township. I deerly would like to see light industry locate here as well. I will support all of the above after careful scrutinization."
B-2. If land use such as an aggregate pit or subdivision or industry is permitted in an area, what will you do to stand up for and protect nearby residents, their health, their quality of life, and their property rights?
We were looking for sensitivity - a respect for the personal and emotional well-being of the residents, their property rights and their quality of life; awareness of the appeal and enforcement procedures; awareness of the deficiencies in the enforcement procedures; a respect for different points-of-view; pragmatism as in “Let’s face it” realism; recognition of the interactions amongst the MNR, the MOE, the LTCA, the Planning Act .
Finley: "The Planning Act, Ministry of Environment regulations, Conservation Authorities and Local municipal Governments all work together to ensure individual property rights are recognized, and health/Quality of life protected"
Robins: "If the land use is permitted I will work to put as many safe guards as is possible in place to protect the residents before it is actualy built - if it is already there I will work with Council to monitor & make sure the rules are followed"
McDonald: "The Shelter Valley Pit is a classic example of how I would approach a major development in our Township. Actions taken included site visits and personal meetings with local neighbours, and I was also involved in changing the access from Shelter Valley Road to an unmaintained section of Turk Road.All manditory studies were addressed and reviewed with results agreed to by the developer. I believe the negotiated conclusion was fair and balanced to benefit all parties including the people of the area and the township, as well as the developer."
Jeninga: " - have imput (positive not negative) by property owners - not give a Company free reign to rape our land - try to find win win situations for all - any non hard surface must have dust suppresant when needed"
Ritchie: "Each one of these issues would have to be looked at on a individual basis. Our society runs on the theory of the greater good for all, so these issues would have to be looked at from all sides. Is this subdivision or industry or aggregate pit going to add benefit to a large majority? Are there any concrete concerns about health issues pertaining to each individual issue? What type of quality of life are we talking about? What property rights do each concerned party have?"
Fell: "I am for developement but not at the detriment of the community & will rigorously persue the correct procedure is followed in all cases & that the community has a strong voice."
Holmes: "I will listen to and address my rate payers concerns while considering the interests of the municipality. No hasty decisions on my part."
B-3. Valley Voices intends to organize and encourage its members that reside close to the proposed Turk road gravel pit to appeal their real property tax assessments. Their property values have already been affected and will be substantially reduced if the pit is licensed and commences operation. If you are on Council what do you intend to do to protect the value of ratepayers’ homes from the adverse effects on property values of nearby gravel pit activities?
We were looking for an awareness of the appeal procedure with MPAC; a recognition of their powers to appeal assessments; understanding of the far-reaching ripple effects of the pit; an indication of how to help property owners who have been denied the chance to sell their property on the open market free from hindrance; how their response here compares to their vision.
Finley: "Those who reside in the Immediate area need protection as per property tax assessment. If the gravel pit is approved by the O.M.B property owners on the Turk Road East haul route may find their property gains value."
Robins: "We have worked as a council to solve the taxpayers concerns in order to protect the value of property safty & way of life before the issue is dealt with at OMB level the out come will be monitored by council so the final ruling is up-held & property values should continue to sustain a realistic value in future as properties are bought & sold."
McDonald: "During all recent meetings there has been very few discussions regarding property value issues.Topics that were of concern for the local residnets included safety, water, visual and environmental, plant life, animals, noise, vibrations, etc.. Hank Jensen is the only local residient who stated that his farm was his retirement plan and he hoped that the the pit development didn’t effect him financially. If a pit is in fact developed in that location and residents can provide documentation in property value assessment decreases, I will certainly support their appeal and help to resolve any inssues that would cause that situation."
Jeninga: "mixed feeling on this one. Short term values down long term they will go up higher than land on the Oak ridges Moraine. remember over 50% of A/H is on the Moraine."
Ritchie: "Every property owner has the right to appeal their property tax assessment. I do not take anything at face value, therefore I am unable to comment at this time on values of property. There are too many variables involved with property value, to point blank say that it was a neighboring property that has brought down the value of any one piece of property. Again I can't stress enough that each case needs to be looked at individually."
Fell: "Life of pit should be researched & have operators comit to an environmentally sound operation. Persue all avenues of a fair & just evaluation for all effected by such developments."
Holmes: "I do not feel that any of the properties close by to proposed pit, have lost any value to this point. These advese effects are perceived not proven yet. There is little a council can do to protect these values".
To comment on this survey and/or the results, go to
Here are the results:
VV surveyed the candidates for the November 13 election to determine their position on matters of interest to us.
Here are verbatim copies of their responses. Illegible words are indicated by (?). [1] [5] indicate the importance to the candidates. The higher the number, the more important the issue.
Councillor Benns did not reply. Councillor Broegelman did not provide written responses. He wanted to “check with his lawyer.”.
In analyzing their responses we were looking at the candidates to see if
a) they didn’t answer the question,
b) they gave a stock answer,
c) they agreed with no explanation,
d) they were open and candid,
e) they were thoughtful,
e) their past actions are consistent with their promises and vision for the next 4 years.
A-1. There should be a scheduled, frequent newsletter / e-mail from Council to Township residents. For example, major decisions, events, and issues could be included.
We were looking for awareness of the need for a variety of forms of communication; technical knowledge; availability of high speed internet service throughout A/H; how they would seek feedback from the electorate; how they would gauge the effectiveness of their communications; the importance of keeping the website updated, coherent, easy to use, intelligible; frequency and immediacy of communications.
Finley: "[5] Webb site needs to include council and committee minutes, community events and major County or Provincial programs"
Robins: "[4] I agree people should be informed about events & major decisions in Twp but alot of info is being put on our new internet programme so probably newsletters are not required as much as they were 5 to 10 yrs ago"
McDonald: " [5] I believe a combination of the two (e-mail & newsletter) would benefit our Township greatly. Our weekly/monthly messeage to the residents should reach residents of all ages and allow each member of our communities to be aware of the current issues in A/H."
Jeninga: "[5] Twp has a website But not updated"
Ritchie: "I believe that we need a better information highway available to the members of our communities. The people in our township should have easy access to decisions, events, and issues concerning our township. There has to be several different venues set up, due to the different access that each and everyone of us have."
Fell: "[5] The community should always be informed of decisions made on their behalf & kept up to date on events & issues."
Holmes: "[4] I feel we already have acheived this within our web site"
A-2. There is a need for a significant increase in community / volunteer participation in the Township. For example, the e-mail / newsletter could be a volunteer activity.
We were looking for a recognition of the role of, and the importance of, volunteers from all walks of life and all ages; the role of co-op students; township financial support, and provision of working space; township promotion of, and evaluation of, a volunteer program; frequency of volunteer involvement; fostering social interaction and the sense of community; training of volunteers; presenting a sense of welcome -You Are Important!
Finley: "[3] I would prefer that our Webb site is used to convey information to our citizens A By-Yearly Newsletter working with volunteers would also be benefical."
Robins: "[4] people enjoy the social side of volunteerism and I am sure would help."
McDonald: "[5] Upon graduation in 2001, my daughter volunteered her time to organize and draft a distributed newsletter for the Township. As her career progressed she was no longer able to continue this role and new volunteers were needed to continue the newsletter. I feel very strongly about the need for volunteer participation among the A/H communities."
Jeninga: "[5]"
Ritchie: "There are alot of good volunteers in our community, but there is always a need for more. I am sure that there are people out there that would be glad to give of their time if they had direction and felt welcomed."
Fell: "[5] I am a strong advocate in community participation in all facets of community life."
Holmes: "[4] There is always a demand and need for volunteers."
A-3. Township initiatives, bylaws, and programs should enhance the quality of life of all the residents of A/H.
We were looking for a statement of the indication to the extent that concern for the quality of life should be a guiding principle for Council; that this concern is a Council’s responsibility; the need for open consultation, transparency, the cooperative sharing of information; recognition of, and respect for, the diverse interest groups of the Township; an explanation of what the greater good is and how it is determined; how progress is measured.
Finley: "[3] It would almost be impossible to improve the quality of life every time a decision is made but this concept should be considered every time we face major issues"
Robins: "[5] I agree but not all people are concerned or feel it is important to enhance their quality of life."
McDonald: " [5] Although enhancing the quality of life for all residents is ideal; it is fair to say that this is sometimes impossible. I strongly agree with the statement, however, it would be more realistic to say that: “...programs should enhance the quality of life of ‘the majority’ of the residents of A/H.” "
Jeninga: "[4/5] Sometimes quality can be affected temporaily e.g. Construction or building"
Ritchie: "Because of the large area of rural area in A/H Township, it would be impossible for all programs, bylaws, and initiatives to enhance the quality of life of all the residents of A/H. One would hope that each program, bylaw, or initiative would be individually accessed and be of benefit to a vast majority of A/H taxpayers, and residents."
Fell: "[5] We should all profit as a community from all programs enacted."
Holmes: "[3] All of the above do not neccesarily associeate themselves the quality of life. Any that do, should at least sustain, or enhance quality of life."
B-1. How do you see the Township in four years, and how do you plan to bring about your vision?
We were looking for a commitment; specifics within the vision, a vision tempered by the realistic restraints placed on the Township by global environmental factors and by different levels of Government; an indication of their awareness of the complexities of growth, and the inherent conflicts and contradictions; an indication of how they would involve the citizens in this vision; reference to their powers and limitations placed on them.
Finley: "We need to continue with and enhance programs in place. This includes infrastructure community facilities and programs for all of our citizens regardless of their age and interests."
Robins: "The Twp has & will continue to grow. the northern area will continue to support camps & recreation & we need to serve to help promote this form of recreation & business - the southern & central area. need to be evaluatated ie - need for new residents - ie Centreton (?) - future plans for (Arena this one (?) least 50-55 yrs old - upgrades to infrastructure and available gov grants accessabitey upgrades to present buldgs - possibly light industry as 401 corridor is so close"
McDonald: "The economy and the people of our communities dictate the direction, decisions made, and the future of A/H Township. My vision, or plan of action, is to maintain and withhold the integrity of our financial situation while addressing the growth and development that our taxpayers present to us each day. Realistically, I can neither create growth nor stop it. However, I can manage it and ensure the local commuity that the decisions made are educated ones."
Jeninga: "-maintain the good quality infrasture we have, not to put off projects to save money, it costs more to catch up than to bite the bullet! - I would like to see the start up of an Industrial Park to bring in more Industry for tax dollors (along 401 somewhere)"
Ritchie: "I would like to see more involvement in the democratic process in our Township. This is the second municipal election that I have been in this township and neither election has had a true race. However, I do hear alot of grumbling about how things are run. I hope that even if it's by adversity more people will take an interest in the running of our quietly forgotton municipality."
Fell: "I see a development of our community, in all aspects but especially tourism & residence (?) & will explore all oppurtunities to bring this to fruition."
Holmes: "I see continued growth (residential) in our township. I deerly would like to see light industry locate here as well. I will support all of the above after careful scrutinization."
B-2. If land use such as an aggregate pit or subdivision or industry is permitted in an area, what will you do to stand up for and protect nearby residents, their health, their quality of life, and their property rights?
We were looking for sensitivity - a respect for the personal and emotional well-being of the residents, their property rights and their quality of life; awareness of the appeal and enforcement procedures; awareness of the deficiencies in the enforcement procedures; a respect for different points-of-view; pragmatism as in “Let’s face it” realism; recognition of the interactions amongst the MNR, the MOE, the LTCA, the Planning Act .
Finley: "The Planning Act, Ministry of Environment regulations, Conservation Authorities and Local municipal Governments all work together to ensure individual property rights are recognized, and health/Quality of life protected"
Robins: "If the land use is permitted I will work to put as many safe guards as is possible in place to protect the residents before it is actualy built - if it is already there I will work with Council to monitor & make sure the rules are followed"
McDonald: "The Shelter Valley Pit is a classic example of how I would approach a major development in our Township. Actions taken included site visits and personal meetings with local neighbours, and I was also involved in changing the access from Shelter Valley Road to an unmaintained section of Turk Road.All manditory studies were addressed and reviewed with results agreed to by the developer. I believe the negotiated conclusion was fair and balanced to benefit all parties including the people of the area and the township, as well as the developer."
Jeninga: " - have imput (positive not negative) by property owners - not give a Company free reign to rape our land - try to find win win situations for all - any non hard surface must have dust suppresant when needed"
Ritchie: "Each one of these issues would have to be looked at on a individual basis. Our society runs on the theory of the greater good for all, so these issues would have to be looked at from all sides. Is this subdivision or industry or aggregate pit going to add benefit to a large majority? Are there any concrete concerns about health issues pertaining to each individual issue? What type of quality of life are we talking about? What property rights do each concerned party have?"
Fell: "I am for developement but not at the detriment of the community & will rigorously persue the correct procedure is followed in all cases & that the community has a strong voice."
Holmes: "I will listen to and address my rate payers concerns while considering the interests of the municipality. No hasty decisions on my part."
B-3. Valley Voices intends to organize and encourage its members that reside close to the proposed Turk road gravel pit to appeal their real property tax assessments. Their property values have already been affected and will be substantially reduced if the pit is licensed and commences operation. If you are on Council what do you intend to do to protect the value of ratepayers’ homes from the adverse effects on property values of nearby gravel pit activities?
We were looking for an awareness of the appeal procedure with MPAC; a recognition of their powers to appeal assessments; understanding of the far-reaching ripple effects of the pit; an indication of how to help property owners who have been denied the chance to sell their property on the open market free from hindrance; how their response here compares to their vision.
Finley: "Those who reside in the Immediate area need protection as per property tax assessment. If the gravel pit is approved by the O.M.B property owners on the Turk Road East haul route may find their property gains value."
Robins: "We have worked as a council to solve the taxpayers concerns in order to protect the value of property safty & way of life before the issue is dealt with at OMB level the out come will be monitored by council so the final ruling is up-held & property values should continue to sustain a realistic value in future as properties are bought & sold."
McDonald: "During all recent meetings there has been very few discussions regarding property value issues.Topics that were of concern for the local residnets included safety, water, visual and environmental, plant life, animals, noise, vibrations, etc.. Hank Jensen is the only local residient who stated that his farm was his retirement plan and he hoped that the the pit development didn’t effect him financially. If a pit is in fact developed in that location and residents can provide documentation in property value assessment decreases, I will certainly support their appeal and help to resolve any inssues that would cause that situation."
Jeninga: "mixed feeling on this one. Short term values down long term they will go up higher than land on the Oak ridges Moraine. remember over 50% of A/H is on the Moraine."
Ritchie: "Every property owner has the right to appeal their property tax assessment. I do not take anything at face value, therefore I am unable to comment at this time on values of property. There are too many variables involved with property value, to point blank say that it was a neighboring property that has brought down the value of any one piece of property. Again I can't stress enough that each case needs to be looked at individually."
Fell: "Life of pit should be researched & have operators comit to an environmentally sound operation. Persue all avenues of a fair & just evaluation for all effected by such developments."
Holmes: "I do not feel that any of the properties close by to proposed pit, have lost any value to this point. These advese effects are perceived not proven yet. There is little a council can do to protect these values".
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