Now for the real analysis
First, it is far too easy to get caught up in the machinations of council and not examine what has been going on with the citizen-side of this debate. It is particularly interesting to watch who has emerged as leaders in this aspect, especially Martin Partridge and a few others around him. It has never been clear why these people suddenly appeared and began advocating so vociferously. It seemed to be well after the decision-making was done. And, their objective was confusing, too. Why were they calling for another public meeting? There were already a number of public venues. Was another one really going to solve anything? Why did they not just come out in opposition and demand the project be stopped until a new, more thorough consultation could take place? While well intentioned, it was a bit shaky on strategy. And, considering the political accumen of those involved, it was strange a more effective plan was not used. However, maybe they were all out of the zone, so to speak. Everybody has a bad day. But considering some of these people advise local politicans regularly and work on political election campaigns, one might expect something a bit more effective. How difficult is it to unhinge Cobourg council?
What I think is far more significant is the creation of a citizens advocacy group, lead by a very elite group of Cobourg residents. This is the same group that is often active in the backroom, only rarely gracing the very public displays we have witnessed recently. It is the same group, almost, who came out to save the west corner of Victoria Park.
However, we now see a very powerful core of mainly Liberal supporters: Partridge, Grew-Ellis, Rowden, Wardman, Sherman and others, leading a core of 300 angry citizens. Nice little power base, if you think about it.
This could be the beginning of a meaningful movement to make council more accountable. The true litmus test will be the policing issue, which comes before council this fall. With the provincial election, council may have a sufficient smoke screen to distract everyone's attention away from the police issue. Or, it could end up being a political noose around the provincial campaigns, if it blows up.
Still, it will be interesting to see if Partridge and his citizens movement are able to mobilize enough support to create a meaningful, transparent debate on the local police issue and save our local force. If not, the frink initiative will have been a waste of time and energy. The ground work is laid. Let's see where the hearts and minds of the leadership and followers truly lies.
Also, if Partridge and others are successful in mobilizing this group and growing it into a substantive political force, what position does this put him and the others in. Could he be winding up to be kingmaker in the next municipal election?
Now, how's that for some analysis?
I await your response...
Now for the real analysis:
According to my sources I didn't miss much by not being at the Council meeting on Monday. About 200 people filled the concert hall to listen to delegations give their opinions. One quoted proponent proceeded to insult everybody in the place by saying they are part of history, going to die in ten years and therefore are ignoring the needs of the young. Also proceeding to slam the dissenting councillors as involved in pettiness and harbour ambitions. Wonder what she would have said about the supporting councillors if they deigned to upset her? The opponents spoke about new information and process but to no avail - the votes were not going to change.
I am wondering after all of this just what would have come out of another public meeting if the votes were so entrenched. Not much as the opponents would have still not been satisfied if votes did not change.
My final opinion about his is simple, why not harness the anger and energy to come up with another project, involving fitness - thereby keeping the fitness money, and start the process of putting another IcePad/Arena together. Let's do something positive with the money and energy and time of the opponents and work with Council to put another arena in Town. 1.3 million is a helluva of a seed! We know the people opposed to the project are healthy, resourceful and willing - give them some work to do. Work with Councillors and make them show us they can do more than say no and sit on their fat arses.
Just my two cents
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