Friday, May 13, 2005

Changing newsdroom culture

Following this morning's workshop, the entrenched culture in newsrooms is incredible. Those participants who came from smaller pubpications have a much stronger sense of the communities they serve. But several of the participants who worked in nationl newsrooms struggled with the concepts because of the difficulty of seeing a Canadian audience as a community.
Public journalism will work at that level. One participant saw the value of reaching out to a broader group of stakeholder, rather than only interviewing institutional talking heads.
There is more.
Creating entry points for a national audience is every bit as important. Too often town hall forums are seen as a tool of the nightly news. We should be able to invite discussion on all types of news regardless.
And that is when it struck me about our newsroom culture. Puic journalism is a huge leap. That is why, as proponents, we must stick together. We must support each other.


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